sherpa brand marketing
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Your Sherpa Brand Marketing Expedition

Integrated Communications

Make your marketing dollars work harder and better with a unique, integrated strategy from Sherpa Brand Marketing.

Some companies work with a variety of outside agencies or freelancers to execute different aspects of their marketing strategy. What is usually missed in this approach is messaging consistency and the opportunity to effectively integrate communications tactics towards a common goal.

At Sherpa, we help you set your communication objectives and then work with you to formulate a media integration strategy that considers virtually every current and potential brand touchpoint. An example of this is a unique URL on the back of a sales rep's business card - driving potential customers to a presentation about your products and/or services - presented personally by the sales rep. This is just one of many ways to integrate and leverage multiple forms of media to deliver your message or achieve your marketing objectives.

main 864-335-5089, toll free 877-522-0622